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Microsoft Dynamics Business central

Optimizing Your Financial Data with Dimension Correction in Business Central

Dimension Correction (1)

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Today we will discuss about “Optimizing Your Financial Data with Dimension Correction in Business Central” In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

  • In Business Central, Dimensions are used to group posted entries for reporting purposes. Dimensions can be used throughout Business Central on journal entries, documents, and budgets. Additionally, dimensions offer more extensive analysis and reporting functionalities.
  • If we discover an incorrect dimension on posted general ledger entries, we can correct the dimension values and update their analysis views. Correction helps to keep our financial reports and analyses accurate.
  • Financial reporting and analysis views often rely on data from dimensions. Despite the available safeguards, sometimes a mistake can lead to inaccuracies.
  • This article describes some of the typical errors and explains how to correct dimension assignments on posted transactions to ensure accurate financial reports.
  • There are different scenarios for correct dimensions:

1. Blank Dimensions

If we forget to mention dimensions, then we can add them.

Find entries that don’t have values in the dimension. As shown below screen:

Select related entries and click on Correct Dimension.

Dimension Correction page will be open.

Mention related dimension codes and dimension values.

Added dimension value code will be visible.

Click on Run action.

We can also check Dimension Corrections, so click on global search and write Dimension Corrections.

Click on Run action, then make Run immediately Boolean true.

Click on ok.

Check dimension correction status so it’s completed.

Let’s go to general ledger entries and check dimension values.

So selected values are visible here.

2. Change One Dimension

Find entries where dimension values are wrong.

Suppose here the department code should be production instead of sales.

Select that entry and click on the correct dimensions.

Click on no change in the department dimension code.

Select a new dimension value that is the correct one.

Click on Run action.

Click on Run immediately and ok.

Open general ledger entries and check Dimensions data.

3. Change Multiple Dimension

Find value entries where multiple dimensions values are not correct.

Suppose the department code should be Admin, and the Customer group Code should be small.

Click on home and correct dimensions.

Click on No change and select the correct values.

Click on Run.

Make Run immediately boolean true and ok.

Check general ledger entries, department code, and customer code.

So, here all values are updated.

The features for correcting dimensions are intended only to help make financial reporting accurate. Dimension corrections apply only to the G/L entries.

We do not change the dimensions assigned to the entries in other ledgers for the same transaction.

There will be a mismatch between the dimensions assigned in the general ledger and the sub-ledgers.