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Microsoft Dynamics Business central, Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Recording Permission Sets for Business Central.


The permission set object in Business Central describes permissions on objects. Permissions define which areas of the system a user can access and edit. They define which database objects a user can read, create, modify or delete. We can define permission sets in business central through 3 ways, which we will see one by one.

A. Permission Set through Front End:

1. Open Permission set page in Business Central:


2. Click on New:


3. Create new permission set. Here I have created Permission set named DEMO:


4. Choose action named Permission:


5. Click on Record Permissions > Start:


6. Click on YES to start recording:


7. Once the recording is started, do not close the permission set page. Once the permission set page is closed recording will be stop. Now, open the pages you need to add permissions for. In this example will add Read and Insert permission for sales order:


8. Now, Stop the recording:


9. Click Yes to add recorded permissions:


10. Permissions has been added for Sales Header and Sales Line tables. I will also add permission to read its related tables:


B. Permission Set using AL:

We can set permission of objects using AL Permission object. The permission set object in Business Central describes permissions on objects.

Assignable permission sets are permissions that an admin can assign to users in Business Central, using the Permission Sets page.

We can generate permission set using AL in visual studio, through below command:


Once the command is Run, Permission set using AL will be generated:


C. Permission Set using XML:

Permission sets that exist in Dynamics 365 Business Central can be exported and packaged for your extension directly from the client, instead of defining XML by hand.

We can generate permission set using XML in visual studio, through below command:


Once the command is Run, Permission set using XML will be generated:


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